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MOMs Published
MOMs has been published in Advances in Medical Education and Practice!

Volunteer of the Year Awards
Thank you to the University of Manchester and thank you to our volunteers! 2019/20 has been a great year and hopefully 2020/21 will be...

MOMs wins Mancunion "Highly Commended Society Impact" award
On the 1st of May 2019 Manchester Outreach Medics won the Mancunion "Highly Commended Society Impact" award!
Our Biggest Turnout ever!
We had such a great time volunteering at our Bolton event! We got great feedback: “Thank you for hosting this event today. It was really...

The Mancunion Introducing: Manchester Outreach Medics
The Mancunion newspaper has written a wonderful article about us as a widening participation society at the University of Manchester!...

First workshop of the year "success"!
Our first event of the year, held at Manchester Royal Infirmary, was attended by over 60 sixth formers and was deemed to be a huge...
2018 MOMs Conference
Our 2nd annual MOMs conference at Manchester University was attended by over 100 sixth formers. Talks were given by the GMC, MSC, and...

Charlotte Auty: Volunteer of the Year
There are around 40,000 students at The University of Manchester, but only 1 Volunteer of the Year and that's Charlotte Auty: Project...
Partnership with Rochdale Sixth Form leads to another Fantastic Event
MOMs teamed up with Rochdale Sixth Form to run an event at their sixth form. Many of their pupils were in attendance, and also young...
Another Amazing Event in Manchester!
MOMs had an exciting start to the year at Manchester Royal Infirmary's Education Centre! It was a fantastic day, especially with the...

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