Ben is a junior doctor currently working in Lancashire. After years of experience in mentoring and tutoring, Ben decided, in his Third-year of medical school, it was time to start his own initiative. With a passion for widening participation, Ben set out with the aim to support young people considering a career in medicine from lower socio-economic backgrounds.
Photo property of the University of Manchester.

I’m a 4th year medical student and the project lead of MOMs this year. This will be my 4th year volunteering for the society and my 3rd year as project lead, which involves organising the events and delivering lectures. It has been very rewarding to see how much benefit the students gain from our events, and I can’t wait for another successful year. I remember how difficult I found the application process back in college, and therefore I am keen to offer my help and advice to other aspiring medical students, with the aim of making this process a little easier. I strongly believe that all students should have equal opportunities when applying for medical school and that’s why I’m very passionate about volunteering for MOMs.

Ben Ryan
Founder of MOMs
Ellis Critchley
Project Leader of MOMs
Kelly Fletcher
Assistant Project Leader
Hi I’m Kelly and I’m going into my 4th year of medicine in September! I absolutely loved being on committee as sim session lead and am super excited to take on more responsibility next year. I have a keen interest in medical education and am very passionate about widening access to medicine. Seeing the difference our events make to the students is extremely rewarding and I can’t wait to continue the hard work to make our events a great success.
Zuhair Al-Zuhair
Assistant Project Leader
I’m a final year medical student and this is my third-year volunteering with MOMs and my first year on the committee. I have a passion for giving back to the community I’m in and believe strongly in passing on the knowledge accrued over years of experiences, especially with medical school and education generally. What MOMs have been doing is exemplary, I’ve witnessed first-hand what their events achieve, and they provide a great exposure to what medical education is like in Manchester. I’m looking forward to helping Ellis organise the present and future of MOMs next year.

Hello, I’m Shahriar! I’m a 4th year medical student and I am the treasurer for MOMs 24/25. I’ve enjoyed volunteering at MOMs events in the past and seeing how much students get out of them. I strongly believe in what MOMs stands for and the impact our society has. I am responsible for managing the committee’s finances.

Hello, my name is Atia. I am a final year medical student. I have volunteered at MOMs events in Manchester and Preston and find it rewarding to help 6th formers. I believe it is important to support students in applying for medical school which can be a stressful journey, especially for students from less advantaged backgrounds. My role is social media manager and I look forward to promoting the events we hold on social media.

Shahriar Amin
Atia Mahmood
Social Media Manager
Hello! I'm currently in my fifth year of medical school, and I'm excited to take on the role of events manager this year. Having benefitted from the opportunities provided by MOMs during my time in sixth form, I know first-hand how valuable they can be. I look forward to being a member of the society and being part of the great opportunities MOMs provide for aspiring medical students. As part of my role, my main goal is to help organise our events throughout the year, ensuring they run smoothly and that students can get the most out of them

Hi! I'm Anwen, a fourth-year Medical Student based at Wythenshawe. I'm originally from The Valleys, South Wales, and greatly benefitted from initiatives like MOMs when I was applying to medical school and understand how invaluable they are. I look forward to helping remove barriers for sixth formers applying to medical school and help promote equal opportunities for all. In my role as Event Manager, I will help to organise and run events, both in person and online. I have really enjoyed volunteering at MOMS events in the past and really look forward to being part of the committee this year!

Rebaz Karim
Event Manager
Anwen Davies
Event Manager
Maddie Follis
Volunteer manager
Hi, I’m Maddie and I'm a fourth year medical student. I am a volunteer manager this year, so I will be helping the MOMs volunteers to make events the best that they can be. Applying to medical school is a stressful time, and I think that the events MOMs provides make the journey less daunting for a lot of students. I have enjoyed my time volunteering with MOMs so far and I'm glad I have the opportunity to give a bit extra by being on the committee

Emily Kalis
Volunteer manager
Hi I’m Emily, currently a 4th year medical student and I’ll be one of the Volunteer Managers this year. Coming from a widening participation background myself, I think it is important to encourage and support others in the same situation to do Medicine. I want to help facilitate equal access and opportunity for everyone. My role will be to support those who will volunteer at our events this year

Syeda Kazmi
Simulates session lead
Hello, I'm Syeda and I love studying languages. This year I'll be taking the role of Simulated Session Lead and will be teaching communication skills alongside my co-lead. Volunteering with MOMs has helped me to discover my passion for teaching so I'm looking forward to working with you all this year!

Eleanor Croft
Simulated session lead
Hello! I’m Eleanor, I‘m a fourth-year medical student, and one of the simulated session leads. Applying to medical school is a complicated business, and the work MOMs does to provide advice and support for the process is really valuable. I think I would have found a MOMS event very helpful when applying, so it's great to be able to help run them for other people!

Vidushi Bucktowar
Inclusion officer
Hi !! My name is Vidushi. I am one of the Inclusion Officers for MOMs.
I have been volunteering with MOMs for the past 2 years and found it to be both a meaningful and enjoyable experience. I believe that MOMs makes a valuable contribution to students applying to medical school, and as part of the committee I hope to be able to help support students and offer whatever insight/advice I can !

Abdurrahman Hajeer
Inclusion officer
Hello, I am a 4th year medical student. As Inclusion Officer for 2024-25, I am devoted to furthering our society's mission with passion and dedication. My core role involves being the direct contact for students who might face barriers to getting involved in our society. I am eager to continue working towards broadening opportunities for all students, regardless of their background. I look forward to actively contributing to the society and enhancing the outstanding opportunities MOMs offers to aspiring medical students.

Past MOMs Project Leads

Dr Ben Ryan
MOMs Lead 2015-2017

Dr Matthew Maden
MOMs Lead 2019-2020

Dr Charlotte Auty
MOMs Lead 2017-2019

Alisha Staley
MOMs Lead 2020-2022